About Tay


The Who

Well, let me tell you a little about me! My name is Sherronti’ Flowers AKA Tay. I am a single mother of three beautiful kids that keeps me waking up early every day and going to sleep late every night. I am a former Military Brat and have lived in a few different countries but I will always call Florida my home.  Archer/Gainesville, FL is where my roots lie, Tallahassee, FL is where I developed this active mind, and Orlando, FL is where I’m staying put until I feel like moving.


My Likes:

  1. Carbs
  2. Well behaved kids
  3. Sleep
  4. To-Do Lists
  5. Traveling
  6. People who drive like me
  7. 90’s music
  8. Primetime television and Good Morning America


My dislikes

  1. Debt
  2. Negative attitudes
  3. When I text people and can’t see the blue bubble from iMessage
  4. Taking pictures of me
  5. Those sweatsuits from early '90s

The Why

There are two reasons I started this site. 1. I was going through a long and costly divorce. It put my life on hold and I stayed in my home until I got on my feet again. My divorce took 24 months and I decided to do 24 trips to celebrate it. I call it the Emancipation of Tay Tour. And I have been having a blast. Instead of my divorce, I now focus on my promising future and celebrate the emancipation from anything toxic in my life. 2. As I publicly spoke about my life to people, women came to me privately and needed advice/outlets and wanted to join me on my getaways.  I am a certified travel agent and gladly booked those trips for them. 

This Vacation Lifestyle blog will address my travel experiences, travel hacks, and hopefully inspire you to take up some traveling too. Please remember to follow me on social media and sign up for my emails. I promise not to spam. I’m sort of lazy!


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Girl, sign up and let's take back our time, our money and hit the streets!