Apr 15, 2021


5 Simple Tips for Amazing Travel Photos

Let’s be honest!  We see pictures of people on trips and say wow I wish that was me!” Or, when I get there I want that shot.” And while photos may be effortless to some, there are those like me that have to try harder to get that shot! If having beautiful pictures capture wonderful moments and stories for you to tell in the future, then follow a few of my tips and tricks below!

1. Be yourself! You better work! People are going to stare, so be extra have fun unless you are playing it safe because you will use the photos for advertising, then you need to bring personality to them. By having fun and being flexible with everything that goes into taking pictures, your face will stand out more.


2. The smartphone/tripod will work just fine. No fancy camera is needed! Our smartphones have advanced so much over the years and easier to carry and we will not lose them! Learn how to use the phone. I have an iPhone but I hear androids take better pictures. Either way, you don’t need to go out and buy a cannon or Nikon to take great pictures. Clean the lens. So many people think I have filters on some of my regular pictures when in actuality I need to clean my makeup off of it.  Some of my pics have a light sepia filter to them but it’s Fenty! Don’t let your makeup mess up your shot!  Keep them clean so the pictures can stay bright! ~Check out the different modes. Photo is for background and portrait is to focus on you

a. Edit on your phone BEFORE you use other apps like Adobe Lightroom. First, try the “auto” function (normally a wand) to see how your phone fixes your photo then play with it from there!

b. Get a tripod and hide the remote while taking pictures.

c. Take video and then screenshots of the video.

d. Make an album for the trip, backed up in the cloud, free up storage, or use google photos as a backup.

e. Tripods are available on Amazon and stop you from asking strangers to help.

3. Research research research the location! Look for the best time to visit your site for pictures on google. Also, ask the hotel staff or the site staff for the hour to be there for great pictures. You need to make sure the lighting, background, and your clothes are on point. We all know about the touristy places where everyone takes pictures but ask also about hidden gems. Make sure you research the busiest hours, colors on-site, flooring type, dress code, and weather.

Pinterest and travel Facebook groups always provide a wealth of free knowledge.

4. Get your Angles, poses, props together BEFORE getting on-site! If you are happy with your hand on your hip or arms in the air pictures then don’t worry about posing or getting the right angle. Four basic poses are standing, sitting, jumping, walking. Is it’s too sunny? Close your eyes, tilt your head back, and laugh. Sun over your head? Tilt your head, let the sun hit your face, close your eyes, and smile! If the sun is behind the object then take the opportunity to do a back shot.


5. Color/Pattern Wardrobe Want beautiful photos? Contrast with color or patterns and solids are a must.  Basic rules are 1. Wear a color that is NOT a derivative of your surroundings. 2. Solids rock in all colors or background designs. 3. Don’t compete with the background. If you have a pattern then make surge background is solids and vice verse. As stated during the Facebook Live for last week’s post, https://www.taystravel.club/blog/how-to-build-a-travel-capsule-wardrobe, I travel with solids in my wardrobe. Either a maxi dress and sandals or a one color top and bottom set, please know I’m wearing solids to be camera ready.

There are many tips and tricks to taking awesome pictures and capturing memories to share with friends and family. We all know lighting is everything and have it behind the camera or that you should ask strangers to take pictures but show them what to take. But the big thing to never forget is to have patience and a full stomach. If you aren’t the early bird that likes to avoid crowds for great shots, then be patient when you wait in line for almost 4 hours to get that picture. If you like animals and want to take pictures of you in the zoo with them, remember to have patience with them because they don’t care about your pictures and work on their own time. Make sure you’ve eaten! I’m a big lover of plandids and candids! They show moments of the true story behind the pictures and are effortless. Let me see some of your magazine-ready photos below!  I’m always thinking of new poses and angles!


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