COVID19 Tests Required Upon Entry into USA

covid-19 family safety travel Feb 05, 2021

There have been some new updates when it comes to entering the USA! As of January 26, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) latest requirement that all U.S. bound air travelers test negative for coronavirus within 72 hours of departure.  One more item to add on your list of things to keep up with while abroad. Don’t worry! Many destinations are ready! Some of them have already required travelers to arrive COVID free.  They even have resources for you to test upon arrival. They are ready to test us before we leave accommodate us upon positive results. Here are a few tips to make sure you are traveling stress free and can get tested before coming back to the USA.

1. Stay at an all inclusive hotel/resort! Please know this is all I prefer to book anyway!  As a busy person in every day life, I don’t want to worry and stress over food, drinks, activities, and now a COVID test! Many of these resorts have complimentary testing!  You...

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8 Ways To Stay Safe In Hotels During a Pandemic

So we’re in a pandemic and many are choosing to self-quarantine and not go out in the world unless necessary. People are going out for essential living only, ie. Groceries, work, school. There are others, like me, that are still traveling to make sure they stay sane! No matter the choice we must still take precautions on preventing catching and spreading COVID-19. Below are 8 quick ways to make sure your hotel during a vacation is safe.
  1. Check the hotel’s website so they can give you a summary of their COVID precautions. Some things are mandatory masks worn by employees, hand sanitizer dispensers everywhere you look, and less traffic of housekeeps in your room.
  2. Try to make reservations at a hotel that has keyless entry. My recent trip included a stay at a Hilton hotel. I was able to pick my room via the app and did not need a key card to open my room. My phone unlocked it for me.
  3. Try to choose a hotel with no carpet. There’s no true way to confirm...
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