WayAway: A Different Type of Travel Search Engine that Will Pay You Back!!

Check Out this Cheap Airfare Search Engine with Cash-back!

*This blog post contains affiliate links*

As a travel agent and DIY traveler, I’m always looking for deals for my clients and followers to try on their own! Never have I ever used a search engine that completely had the customer/user in mind when it was created. I’m excited to introduce WayAway.


In the past, there have been websites that state it scans all airlines. You search for a flight and 14 other sites pop up.  Some of those sites are now in my Facebook ads and on my tv with commercials. They were great back in the 90s and up until now. But now there’s a different new kid on the block!


Let’s learn about WayAway! In summary, you get:


  The best coverage in the US


WayAway compares airfares offered by all major US and global airlines and agencies.


  Quick service


The WayAway Plus membership plan includes 24/7 customer support for all...

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5 Important Tips for Traveling Internationally with Kids

I'll be honest! I decided to become a travel agent to get the perks and discounts a regular person couldn't get and travel for cheap with my kids. I wanted to travel the world and show my kids what my parents made possible for me to do at their age. I wanted my kids to see that after the divorce, life would still be fun and rewarding with one parent. Traveling with kids sounds hard and scary. The truth is it can be. And while I'm not well put together or the expert in kids travel I can offer you 5 great tips that will help you get out with your little ones and explore the world.

1. Research Your Destination THOROUGHLY. When traveling internationally with kids, make sure you research transit to and back, attractions, resorts, etc. A lot of us look mainly at price but don’t take into consideration the hassle it takes to get to a place and back. What is required to enter? Passport/visa/both?Should I go plane or cruise? Will it appeal to all of the kids?  Should you stay...

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5 Side Hustles To Do From The Comfort Of Your Home

Side Hustle is a job that you can work on top of your full-time job. It is a flexible second job that brings in money, but it is also typically something that you are passionate about, that you don't get to pursue in your main job. ... Maybe teaching music lessons after work is the right side hustle for you. Problem is, with obligations, debt, and high healthcare costs, we tend to be afraid to leave our full-time job with benefits. Sometimes we need more flexibility to work the side hustle when you can due to home situations too. Why pay for night-time childcare to do a side hustle away from home? Why sacrifice quality time with friends and family due to a side hustle not that takes all of your free time? Here are 5 side hustles you can do from home and the average amount they pay per hour while working a full-time job.


1. Sell your things and other people’s things online- You’re home now and look around and see what you don’t need. ...

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