5 Important Tips for Traveling Internationally with Kids

I'll be honest! I decided to become a travel agent to get the perks and discounts a regular person couldn't get and travel for cheap with my kids. I wanted to travel the world and show my kids what my parents made possible for me to do at their age. I wanted my kids to see that after the divorce, life would still be fun and rewarding with one parent. Traveling with kids sounds hard and scary. The truth is it can be. And while I'm not well put together or the expert in kids travel I can offer you 5 great tips that will help you get out with your little ones and explore the world.

1. Research Your Destination THOROUGHLY. When traveling internationally with kids, make sure you research transit to and back, attractions, resorts, etc. A lot of us look mainly at price but don’t take into consideration the hassle it takes to get to a place and back. What is required to enter? Passport/visa/both?Should I go plane or cruise? Will it appeal to all of the kids?  Should you stay...

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The Daily 15 Part 2: Productivity

The Daily 15

Part 2: Productivity

This week we are focusing on the Daily 15: Mindset. We are to take 15 minutes for a mental break daily. Preferably in the morning but if need be throughout the day then do so. I literally had to meditate at 2:10pm yesterday to be able to be more pleasant at work for the bottom half of my shift. The top half kicked my butt. But it was really needed for a midday boost in my attitude and patience.  Starting Monday, we will use a different set of 15 minutes to address productivity. Let’s address three factors of our daily 15.

1. Think of tasks that only take 15 minutes to complete. Please don’t say cook 3 course meal in 15 minutes. But try seasoning, marinating, or prepping food to cook. Instead of folding all of the laundry, fold the towels only. Needed to get a little activity on your life? Take a brisk walk around the neighborhood and knock out half of the suggested 30 minutes of recommended daily exercise! Make sure it's doable in...

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Top 5 Apps To Book Flights

airlines family flights travel Feb 25, 2021

Long gone are the days you need to depend on somebody for something. We have access to everything at our fingertips via marvelous apps! Travel agents were your go to for planning trips but if you are a DIY person, then I’ll share my top 5 apps that even I, a travel agent, use even booking flights. I’ll also show you my process!


I want to mention that on Hopper, you don’t book flights. But it does help me with finding the best time to buy a flight if I have to caught on to an airline’s pricing schedule yet. Just search flights and track prices until you see a good deal.


Kayak is considered old but it keeps itself up to date with up and coming new apps. I use it because it’s not complicated an it has that beautiful calendar that shows you if it’s cheaper or expensive to fly on certain days. It’s sort feature is like no other too! I made an account with them a while back and even now when I book flights, rent cars, plan...

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COVID19 Tests Required Upon Entry into USA

covid-19 family safety travel Feb 05, 2021

There have been some new updates when it comes to entering the USA! As of January 26, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) latest requirement that all U.S. bound air travelers test negative for coronavirus within 72 hours of departure.  One more item to add on your list of things to keep up with while abroad. Don’t worry! Many destinations are ready! Some of them have already required travelers to arrive COVID free.  They even have resources for you to test upon arrival. They are ready to test us before we leave accommodate us upon positive results. Here are a few tips to make sure you are traveling stress free and can get tested before coming back to the USA.

1. Stay at an all inclusive hotel/resort! Please know this is all I prefer to book anyway!  As a busy person in every day life, I don’t want to worry and stress over food, drinks, activities, and now a COVID test! Many of these resorts have complimentary testing!  You...

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Busy Woman’s Cleaning Routine

Saturday mornings, loud music, cleaning products in hand, and washing machine going all day was how I grew up! Ugh, I couldn't stand it.  I promised myself I would not do this once I graduated from college and got a nice job! Skip to adulthood, I kept my promise. I pay for someone to clean my home and a laundry service that wash/dry/fold my laundry to free up time for my kids and me. Yet During this quarantine, I have stopped “non-essential” traffic to my house to protect my babies. My nanny (who also did light cleaning) is gone and so is the cleaning and laundry company (for now).  I seem now to have more “free time” at home to clean and take care of my kids all while maintaining full-time employment.  As if homeschooling wasn’t enough to pull out my hair, add cooking and cleaning to the list. I decided to come up with a cleaning schedule so I can enjoy more weekends in my bed binge-watching shows on  Netflix.

Below is a printable...

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