Will Cruising Feel the Same? 2021 and Beyond

covid-19 cruise travel Feb 18, 2021

The travel industry was deeply affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Flights were canceled, countries closed borders, refunds were made. However, cruise lines may have been hurt more than any other. ALL CRUISE LINES canceled sails and dreams of eating and dancing while at sea were canceled too. Cruising is slated to return in Spring 2021. There are new guidelines for ships that plan to sail in US waters. Here are just a few ways cruising — when it comes back — will be different during the pandemic (and maybe beyond).


  1. Length of Cruise. There will be a cap of days out at sea. Gone are the 14 days and more.  The new maximum number of days is seven. 
  2. Temperature Checks. There will be temperature checks before almost everything. Getting on and off the ship, before meals and excursions will be met with a quick scan of the forehead. 
  3. Social Distance. Cruises are great places to meet a lot of people in a short amount of time. That will not be encouraged....
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