photos travel Apr 15, 2021


5 Simple Tips for Amazing Travel Photos

Let’s be honest!  We see pictures of people on trips and say wow I wish that was me!” Or, when I get there I want that shot.” And while photos may be effortless to some, there are those like me that have to try harder to get that shot! If having beautiful pictures capture wonderful moments and stories for you to tell in the future, then follow a few of my tips and tricks below!

1. Be yourself! You better work! People are going to stare, so be extra have fun unless you are playing it safe because you will use the photos for advertising, then you need to bring personality to them. By having fun and being flexible with everything that goes into taking pictures, your face will stand out more.


2. The smartphone/tripod will work just fine. No fancy camera is needed! Our smartphones have advanced so much over the years and easier to carry and we will not lose them! Learn how to use the phone. I have an iPhone but...

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