Top 5 Summer Vacation Spots (If you’ve never been!)

The sun is out, days are longer, and there is a sense of anticipation in the air. It’s summer, the time when we traditionally think about going on a vacation. Here are some of the best locations in the United States to inspire you.

White water rafting through the Grand Canyon is the perfect option for adventure seekers who truly want to get away. Did you know that visitors to the Grand Canyon only spend 15 minutes looking over the rim but will spend 30 minutes in the gift shop? We don’t think those numbers work well to really experience the Grand Canyon. Instead, spend three, four or even seven days rafting through the canyon. Guides provide all of the gear, prepare the meals, and even share facts and stories as you float undisturbed, marveling at the canyon. Talk about “All Inclusive?!” Although you won’t have cell service while on the river, you will quickly relearn how to have face to face, authentic conversations with the others on your trip....

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