Should I Turn My Hobby into a Business?

busines money side hustle Jan 17, 2021
The saying “do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” has been on my mind lately since being locked up. I keep asking myself, “what do you like to do?!” The truth is, I love to do a lot of ish! I love to shop, sleep, eat, talk, travel, read, mentor college students, help others, work as a pharmacist, etc. I realized that all of the things above involved me communicating with another person. So I like to stay connected. But how will I make money off of any of that? I honestly trying to turn a side hustle into a sole provider of income. I’m trying to go from W-2 to 1099. I want to work for me. Travel is what I settled on and brings me here.
There are a few questions to really consider and if they are answered truthfully, then the next step is to make it happen!

1. Can I Sell it through me? Not to but through. If I walked up to you today and you were trying to sell me blinged-out umbrellas, could you...
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