9 Mistakes To Avoid As a Vegas Rookie


I have been to Vegas a few times and each time there has been a change. There are some things I wish i hadn't wasted my time, tasted, or did not pay attention to once there. Don't worry! I got you covered! Read below to see what you can avoid in order to enjoy your time. 

9 Vegas Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

1. Underestimating the length of the Strip – In pictures, it looks like getting from Mandalay Bay (furthest south) to the Venetian (more north) is a quick walk. What most don’t realize is that the Strip is four miles. Since you will be walking a lot, comfy shoes are a must. Don’t feel like walking? Spring for a ride share. 


2. Staying at the cheapest and/or at an off-Strip hotel – It’s tempting to go for the best bang for the buck, but it might not be your best bet in Vegas. Off-Strip and the cheapest hotels are further from the action. So, yeah, you might be saving on a room, but how much are you spending on ride shares to get...

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