Which Trusted Traveler Program (TTP) Is the One For You?

There are two main trusted traveler programs are run by our federal government. TSA Precheck and Global Entry let you go through special security lanes at the airport, which usually means faster and less intrusive screening. If you are anything like me,  then these programs are lifesavers and assist you in catching flights! Below we will examine them and others to see which is right for you.


TSA Precheck

To get TSA PreCheck you must pass a background check. The government is checking to see if you are considered “low risk.” Once you pass, you are issued a “known traveler number.” That number is to be used when making reservations with airlines. Add it to all of your loyalty accounts. If you print a boarding pass and it’s not there, go to counter to add the number and reprint them. There should be a little logo that allows you to zip past security by keeping your belt and shoes on, electronics and liquids can stay in the carry-on.

Note: each...

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