The Daily 15 Part 2: Productivity

Mar 11, 2021

The Daily 15

Part 2: Productivity

This week we are focusing on the Daily 15: Mindset. We are to take 15 minutes for a mental break daily. Preferably in the morning but if need be throughout the day then do so. I literally had to meditate at 2:10pm yesterday to be able to be more pleasant at work for the bottom half of my shift. The top half kicked my butt. But it was really needed for a midday boost in my attitude and patience.  Starting Monday, we will use a different set of 15 minutes to address productivity. Let’s address three factors of our daily 15.

1. Think of tasks that only take 15 minutes to complete. Please don’t say cook 3 course meal in 15 minutes. But try seasoning, marinating, or prepping food to cook. Instead of folding all of the laundry, fold the towels only. Needed to get a little activity on your life? Take a brisk walk around the neighborhood and knock out half of the suggested 30 minutes of recommended daily exercise! Make sure it's doable in 15 minutes.

IMG_5565.jpeg2. Pick a time with fewer distractions. We have many distractions in out home. TV’s, family, beds, snacks. But just think if you put down the cookies and gathered miscellaneous things in the home for 15 minutes only. You must have no distractions 15 minutes straight. That may seem hard with toddlers or kids needing your attention. Talk to your spouse or the kids if they understand that you need this time just to complete a task and immediately afterwards you will go back to normal routine. How would it look to not have randoms toys, cups, etc. around the house? How would you feel if anyone popped up afterwards? How does it feel you have one less thing to do that day/week and you need to do now when you clean is dust?

3. Fully concentrate on the one task for 15 minutes.  It’s often hard to find a good solid hour during the week to add to a busy person’s schedule. If I can find an hour I’m using it for sleep or tv. But what if you could actually complete minor tasks in 15 minutes such as the dishes, fold laundry. What if you have a business? You could check email or go over your day  before it starts so you’re more prepared. Completing your 15 minute task will have you feeling organized, prepared, and accomplished. At this point in my life, I’m happy with crossing off my to do list.

Next week in the group I will post my daily cleaning routine that I try to have the kids and I adhere to since we see home more. You may have seen it before because I added it to an email I sent you. If not you can download it here. In Tay’s Travel Tribe. I’ll post each day starting Monday until Sunday. Remember this weekend to make your 15 minute tasks list. I’ll be posting about cleaning but that may not be your issue. You can:

~Planning and making dinner

~Budget or make time for a side hustle

~How about reading a chapter in a book

~Write in a journal

~draw or paint

~read to your baby

~Write a letter to your child about how your relationship is today.

~Change the filters in your AC vents.


Tell me what you plan to do!

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