The Daily 15 Part 1: Mindset

Mar 04, 2021


Part one: Mindset

Since pandemic, we have been on our “anything goes” trip as we adjust to new findings. We are bending rules all over the place! At work, we let meds go if patient hasn’t seen doctor because of new hours and capacity restrictions making it harder for them to see them. We can all now eat in restaurants, enjoy theme parks, and fly to different states/countries if we have masks, practice social distancing, and have negative COVID19 tests results. At my home I’ve followed the same path. There is really no structure now but the schooling from home. I’m feeling overwhelmed at work, exhausted at home and barely engaged in anything I do. On the weekends I’m in my bed watching Netflix and eating whatever food can be delivered to me so I do not drive to get it or cook it. I stopped my morning rituals and surf Amazon instead to see what can I order and get today. So now everything is coming to a head like a pimple and I’m about to POP! What will I start with first to get back on track? I’m starting with the “Daily 15.”


The Daily 15 is when I take 15 minutes out of the day to regroup my thoughts and body or be productive in a task like folding clothes. For 15 minutes I do that one thing and nothing else. I feel either calm, aware or accomplished. It doesn’t take a lot of time. Here are three ways you can start your Daily 15 to take back control of your day and life!

1. Start Your Morning with the Daily 15. Even if you have to wake up 15 minutes early, do it. By starting in the morning you set the tone for the day. It helps you meet chaos with peace because you made peace your fountain from the start. So before you check your bank account, or read emails, and check missed calls, start with either 15 minutes of silence/ meditation or repeatedly say your daily affirmations.


2. Keep the Daily 15 Simple. Don’t overthink it. I mentioned sitting in silence and affirmations but do something that you enjoy for 15 minutes. Read an uplifting blog.. Write down your goals for the day. Slowly drink a freshly made green smoothie and savor each sip. Whatever you do, just do it!

3. Only Focus on ONE (or two) Things. Remember this time is to help you hone in on peace. Trying to go 5 things in 15 minutes will drive you nuts. If you do two things make sure they are related. Example, Blend the Green Smoothie, then drink it in 15 minutes. Not meditate and read blog. If needed after s few weeks, add a few extra minutes so you can do a little more.

I have done this in the past to “reset and refocus” my schedule (also to be liked again at work and home) and it has worked.  Now it’s time for me to add it back to my routine. The Daily 15 is to get you started of having control again. Part 1 will focus on the mind while next week we will go over part 2: Productivity. Each day for the next 2 weeks a post will be in Tay’s Travel Tribe Facebook Group That will remind you to take the time to do the Daily 15. Be ready to exhale again.

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